10 Best ways to burn fat fast

10 Best ways to burn fat fast

Everyone wants to be slim, quickly and easily. Especially after the Lockdown where we ate more junk and didn't have much movement; your weight is not getting any less. There are several do’s how you can shed excess fat and to get that waistline of your dreams. Newsflash: it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all about cardio exercising and eating greens! See how you can kick start your metabolism in a jiffy.

1. Start Strength Training
Strength training has found very effective when it comes to burning fat. Your metabolism kicks in and your body and belly fat needs that. It will also help to burn fat when your body is at rest. Doing exercises with your own body weight, a kettlebell or other gym equipment is an easy way to get started. Add strength training besides your cardia and you will definitely see bigger results when just sticking to cardio.

High-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, is a form of exercise that pairs quick bursts of activity with short recovery periods to keep your heart rate elevated. HIIT can help increase fat burning and burn more calories in a shorter amount of time than other forms of exercise. A 20-minute work out can do the trick. Burpees, planking, butt kicks, mountain climbers & jump squats; all great exercises!

2. Eat more Proteins
Try to incorporate more Proteins into your meals and snacks. High-protein diet can help preserve muscles mass and metabolism during weight loss. Examples are eggs, meat and seafood, (Greek) yoghurt, cashews, walnuts & almonds, beans and chickpeas, mushrooms, avocado, bananas, black berries &strawberries. You could also drink a protein shake before or after your workout.

3. Breakfast like a King
Start your day by kickstarting your engine and controlling your appetite at night. Try to consume a good breakfast with lots of Protein, like an avocado boat with egg, black pepper and mushrooms, or yoghurt with seeds, berries and nuts. Be a big breakfast eater, indulge a good lunch with healthy snacks in between and learn to eat light meals or snacks after lunch. Healthy snacks could also be a trail mix, boiled egg, raw veggies with hummus dip, grapefruit Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.

4. Sleep more
If you have trouble eating less at night, try going to bed earlier. A little extra sleep will do you good. In fact, although everyone needs a different amount of sleep, most studies have found that getting at least seven hours of sleep per night is associated with the most benefits when it comes to body weight. It’s a win-win :)

5. Cut down on refined carbs
To burn belly fat you need to light up your inner fire. It is best to restrict your intake of carbohydrates like sugars and starches (breads, pasta, etc.) and replaces them with protein, fat and healthy vegetables. Remember that there a good carbs and bad carbs. The high carb junk foods are the bad ones. potatoes, sweet potatoes, oats and brown rice are the good guys. Just eat some protein, healthy fats and veggies at every meal. Throw in some nuts, seeds, avocados, mushrooms and choose unprocessed foods. It’s as simple as that!

6. Reduce stress
It’s crucial to reduce cortisol which is something that your bodies create when you’re experiencing stress. Try to take more me-time, take a massage now and then and do what makes you happy! What’s also a good stress reducer is, believe it or not, dark chocolate! We’re talking small amounts (2 pieces of the chocolate bar per day) of high-quality (over 70% cacao) dark chocolate.

7. Eat spicy food
Research suggests that spicy foods can increase metabolism. Add ginger to your tea. Black pepper to your eggs. Cinnamon to your apple. Red pepper to your shrimp. Hot sauce to your chicken.

8. Drink coffee or green tea
Not only is green tea it calorie-free, but it can also help you burn extra calories. Green tea contains an antioxidant called EGCG, which is known to boost metabolism. It’s also in Matcha. Coffee does the trick as well. Don’t go immediately overboard with coffee (stick to a maximum of 3), but caffeine is a good metabolism booster. Skip the cream and sugar though. It is best to drink your coffee dark or with a small amount of almond milk. Overall note about beverages: try to drink more (cold) water and to cut high calorie beverages.

9. Stack up Zinc &Vitamin D
These two vitamins are essential for your body. Research showed that 30 mg zinc per day improved BMIs, lost weight, and showed improvements in blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin D is essential for your muscle tissue and for metabolism. Good sources for these two vitamins are oysters, salmon, tuna and eggs.

10. Laugh more
It is clinically proofed that laughing can help you lose weight. To increase your metabolism, fight stress with laughter. Research shows that smiling and laughing causes levels of stress hormones to diminish. Laughing out loud also makes the chest rise and fall, which in turn means that stomach muscles have to work harder, which can help to tighten them. Schedule that date with your funniest BFF, because an hour of strong laughter burns off around 100

Bottom line
There are plenty of ways to improve your health and to help you lose fat fast. You don’t have to be in the gym for hours to diminish thighs and belly fat and you can still enjoy good food. We do recommend planning a weekly cheat meal when you’re on a diet (we actually don't like the word diet and rather call it a healthy lifestyle). Nobody can diet nonstop and you can’t eliminate that dushi appetite out of YDK’s, right? :)
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